Matiss's Photo Shoot

Matiss is fairly young, but this doesn't stop him from having a night on the town.

Matiss loves Spiderman.

Note the Spiderman jacket.  For some reason, smart little kids often get obsessed with something random and learn a lot about it.  Spiderman was Matiss's first love, but now he likes London.  No story behind it.  He just likes London.

Matiss also loves having his picture taken, a lot.  His mother, Vanessa, knows this, so she had him pose for a few pictures, this time clinging to a fence.

Vanessa calls out for Matiss to pose with the carousel this time!

And one shot with Matiss giving a thumbs up.  I chose the best of many, many shots.  Matiss fell off the fence shortly after this picture.

Matiss regained consciousness, acting all cool and collected in his perfectly tailored coat.

Here's Matiss at the bar, trying to pick up chicks.

Here's Matiss feigning drunkenness after coming up empty-handed.

Wait.. he finally found this attractive lady.  Here's Matiss planting a smooch on her cheek.

Fortunately, Vanessa happens to be Matiss's mother, so his affection was returned.
