Bar Harbor, Maine and Acadia National Park
(only 6 pics)

Driving onto Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park.

Eagle Lake

Bear Overlook.  Almost near the summit.

Met up with a lot of people at the summit of Cadillac Mountain.  Cadillac Mountain is 1528 feet high.  These people were that high up.  While this doesn't compare to Mt. Fuji, you start in Maine rather than hot and humid Japan, so it was quite cold and windy even at this elevation.  Although most people in this picture are dressed for the summer, they are cold.

A view from the summit.  Barriers are set up to protect the fragile life at the top of the mountain.

Bar Harbor is full of some of the best seafood you can munch on.  While the best crab legs I've had was in Portland, Maine, and the best (and only) whale I've had was in Reykjavik, Iceland, they had, by far, the best scallops.  I can't understand why people don't just eat scallops.  No reason to eat anything else.  Not many pics here, but we didn't have much time.
