

Marienplatz is pretty much the area in the center of Munich.  It's the most happening part of town aside from Thereseinweise, where Oktoberfest took place.  The first day of our vacation, we were driving around trying to find Oktoberfest.  The map we had at the time was not detailed enough, but at least we eventually stumbled upon Marienplatz.  This statue here was the most prominent monument in the area.  I don't know what it is, but I do know that there were four cupid/angel statues around the base, that were rather interesting.  I took pictures of each.


Our first heroic warrior is killing an evil snake.


A dragon! Kill it!


Watch Simba's father die here.


What is that you're killing, a rooster?  Pansy.


This is a tall clock tower!  Now that I think about it, why the hell are there two clocks on it?


Purty buildings around Marienplatz.


This is a wonderful shot of two things.  First, that huge structure to the right, is easily one of the most beautiful buildings both Leigh and I have ever seen.  I don't even know what it is exactly.  If you look at the building in the middle, you'd see motorized statues in there that dance around to music at regular intervals.  More pictures of that later.  In the back with the green domes is St. Peter's church.  Munich has a law that states that any new buildings in Munich must not obstruct the view of this church.


Wonderful sculptures all over buildings throughout Munich, including this one.


These guys were the first sign of Oktoberfest we saw on our trip.  They were drunk, and singing something cheerful.  We never saw them again.


Musicians near central Munich.


This is inside St. Peter's church.  Services were in progress, but I wanted a picture.


I saw this wall in a souvenir shop near St. Peter's church.  The only thought in my head was "Man, if I crashed into that wall, I'd be a poor man."  Each of those statues were out of my budget.


Here's a good view of Marienplatz


Another interesting building with little statues decorating it.


Here's Leigh about to buy more souvenirs.  She single-handedly revived Munich's economy.


Another picturesque street around Marienplatz.


Here's a closer view of St. Peter's church.


Here's a more contemporary and fun statue we passed by at Marienplatz.


Here's a front view of that gorgeous structure at Marienplatz.  You can see more easily where the little statue concert is.  Let's zoom in.


So we watched these statues dance around (spinning or conveyer-belting about), entertaining their statue king and their statue queen.  It was pretty boring, but lots of people wanted to sit there and stare at it until the music stopped.


Here's a cool looking dragon statue on the wall of the building.  The most reasonable explanation I heard for the netting was it protecting the mighty dragon from bird poop.


Another mindless picture of Marienplatz.  I guess you can say Munich is pretty clean too.

