Hunting and Fishing Museum


Here's a statue of the wild boar in front of the hunting and fishing museum.  On the other side of the entrance is a fish.  Catfish maybe?  Anyway, we passed by these statues a number of times without realizing what they were for.  Apparently, it's simply not obvious to us, nor a number of tourists we talked to, despite what they're statues of.


Here's an interesting German creature brought to the museum by the finest taxidermists in all of Bavaria.  Because the signs were all in German, we don't know if its extinct or not.


These stuff boars just looked cute.  Especially the one on the right.


And these things looked cuter.  That's about all we could say about any of the exhibits, because all the signs were in German.


Well, except these.  These many many hunting rifles looked very festive and deadly.  There was one gun that seemed about 9 feet long.  A bit excessive to need a gun barrel that you can rest on your target's nose.

