

Ah, the glorious Hofbräuhaus, the Mecca of all beer drinking tourists.  We rounded a corner at night and found it.  You can see it on the left side of the road a couple buildings down.  You can see in blue, illuminated lettering the word "Hofbräuhaus", although it may be too fuzzy in this picture.  Just before it is the Hard Rock Cafe, marked by that really bright sign in front of it.  We went to the Hard Rock Cafe as well, and learned that the local German cuisine was so much healthier than the Americanized deep-fried stuff they sold there.  Anyway, on to the Hofbräuhaus!


So in the Hofbräuhaus, we met plenty of tourists.  I don't know where the two in the back are from, but the two in the front are from Wisconsin.  They sound like they're from the movie Fargo, which makes geographical sense.  We made plans later to meet up with the Wisconsin-fok at Oktoberfest the next day, but they were a no-show.


Here's a view of the Hofbräuhaus.  Things seem a bit tame right now, but they liven up as the day goes on.  Just like the beer tents in Oktoberfest, there are constant drinking songs being sung.  The Hofbräuhaus has a band that plays drinking songs too, including one that's all about the Hofbräuhaus.


You can see what appears to be a girl and her father or grandpa dancing up and down the Hofbräuhaus floor.  Here's a video of some music being played while this pair is still going at it.  I have a duel with another guy holding a video camera who gets in my way far too much.  You'll find him annoying just like I did.


Hmm.. grandpa probably.  Anyway, see in the lower left, here are two of the three guys were originally sat down with.  I think the one on the left is Czech and the one in orange is German, but I could be wrong.


One thing's for certain.  The one drinking the beer on the left is French.


Some girl who seemed trashed standing up on a table.


The lady on the right has the most shit-faced expression I've ever seen.  See the guys in the back having a toast to something.


Meet Mary and Sue, on the bottom left and right.  These girls were from North Carolina, taking the seats of the Wisconsin folk after they left.  We made plans to meet up with these two also, along with the Wisconsin guys.  We didn't make it in time to meet up with these two.  Oh well.


Tourists took their beer seriously at the Hofbräuhaus.


Here's the French dude in one of them pointy hats.  Despite the world's politics at the moment, how can you hate someone who looks so darn goofy?  Here's a video of Leigh and the French dude.



