

Here's something we found that was really awesome as we made our way to the English Garden in northeast Munich.  This was a small river that went right through the garden, under a bridge, and through the city.  It was probably about 55F, and there were surfers in wet suits taking turns surfing back and forth across the river.  There was a place in the river that had a bit of a hump (water rushing over a bump on the river floor) and this simulated a wave well enough to surf on.  It's a consistent wave too, so although perhaps less exciting, there's no waiting for the water and it's no doubt very good for practice.  Here's a video of it.


Here's another wonderful shot of a surfer going over the rapids.  This woman here seemed to be the best surfer out of the bunch, but I'm not sure, because she didn't attempt as many tricks as the others.  But she seemed the most surefooted on her board.


Here's a photo in the English Garden.  You can see a little creature running across the grass, to the lower left.  That is a red squirrel.  Squirrels are not supposed to be red.  They're gray!  This squirrel begged to differ.


Here's a little stone gazebo in the English Garden, mainly used for a nice view.


Here's the nice view from the gazebo.


This is in the Hofgarten to the northwest of Marienplatz.  I saw a couple kissing in this picturesque gazebo and figured it was a Kodak moment.


