Castle Tour


So here we're off to see the Neuschwanstein Castle and the Linderhof Palace, both built for Ludwig II.  I was anxious to get some nice shots of the Bavarian Alps while the tour bus took us out there.  I was also anxious to figure out how to get my camera to take pictures while moving on the Autobahn, through the glass windows.  I figure I did a decent job considering.


Here's another shot of little houses at the foothills of the Bavarian Alps.


We reached the Linderhof Palace.  I've seen the Buckingham Palace, and this was far smaller.  It's even much smaller than your average Rhode Island mansion.  Tons smaller.  However, it was still bigger than any house I'm going to own any time soon, and it was very well decorated.  Especially with things that translated to "I am the greatest."  Good ol' Ludwig.


Here's one of the decorations.  Normally there's a fountain that shoots up pretty high, but it's off right now.  But doesn't that gazebo look nice?


Witness lots of gold-plated stuff all throughout the palace.  Mind you, there's less gold than you might think.  Only 5 kilograms of gold was used for the whole palace, so it was painted on pretty thin.


This table was the one-man dining room.  It actually lowered through the floor.  Then the chefs would put a gourmet meal on it and raise it back up for Ludwig to eat off of.


This was the most expensive thing in the palace.  This chandelier is made of ivory.


This looked far more impressive than the picture shows.  Those steps that lead up to the gazebo actually have water flowing over them.  It was very impressive.


So then we went off to a town called Oberammergau.  The town gets tourism business for not only being near the castles, but also for a play they perform about Jesus Christ.  Something I found interesting was the cross I saw all the way at the top of that mountain in the background.  It's a bit fuzzy but you can make it out.  It's most likely not a telephone pole.


Here's the one shot I got of the outside of the Neuschwanstein castle.  It's very unflattering from this angle and distance, but that's it right there.  If you want to see the castle in all its glory, get an aerial shot of the castle, such as this.


Here's a view looking outwards from inside the castle.  Not bad, huh?  We weren't allowed to take pictures of the inside of the castle.


But I took this one anyway.  Could've did better, but I didn't want to get thrown out.


