Bavaria Statue


At the fair we saw what you see here.  A statue with some sort of Lincoln Memorial-like structure in the back.  The wall of that structure, which we heard is called the "Hall of Fame", was dotted with stone faces of various people.  The statue is called the Bavaria statue.  This was right in Oktoberfest, for all fair-goers to see.


Here's a closer view of the statue.  Apparently you can, for 3 euros, go up into the statue and see the view from little holes within the head.


Here's a closer view of the Hall of Fame, along with people waiting on line for the Bavaria statue.


This is the entrance to the Bavaria statue.  One day I'll translate the text above the doorway.


I believe this was a European rugby team attending the fair.  They looked good in those hats.  It takes a beer festival to turn such funny looking hats into cutting-edge fashion.


Here's Leigh trying to climb what seemed like an endless number of stairs in the statue.  I was just trying not to hit my head on something at the time.


Here's the plaque on the ceiling of the Bavaria statue head that I hit my head on.


Here's the view from the Bavaria statue.  See, I just saved you 3 euros.  I just love that giant beer to the far left.


