Archaeology Museum


Near the English Garden, we found the Archaeology Museum.  It was under heavy renovation, but it was only 1.5 euros each, so we went for it.  Everything was in German.  We barely understood even the years artifacts were dated as.  Eventually I managed to decipher B.C. and A.D. in German, so it was slightly more than eye-candy after that.


Here's a picture of some artist helping with the museum renovation.  He did not appreciate me hanging over him taking his picture.


Here's a curious display.  They look like those things used to hold hair back.  Then again, maybe it was some form of iron pasta.


Coolest exhibit right here.  I think this is real.  What you see on the left is actual braided human hair.  I think this is a fossilized head and torso.  However, it could be completely fake.  Awfully morbid recreation though, if it was fake.

