

More beautiful scenery along the Amalfi coast as we headed by boat to Positano.

Here's what I think was the island of Capri, which we heard was a total rip-off for susceptible tourists, so I skipped it.  Might've been nice though, so you might want to go if you have some spare cash.


Wonderful little towers dotted the landscapes we floated past.


A little sailboat surveys the coast.


Little houses and shops populated the coast.


Positano is known for its stairs and inclines.  If you want to see all the shops, you had better not be shy of a bit of uphill walking.  It wasn't too bad, and even if you don't want the workout, there are taxis, and plenty of little shops within easy reach of the coast.


From this view you can see the beach pretty well, although let me be frank.  Walking on a beach consisting of tiny pebbles rather than sand kind of hurts.


For instance, Miller is feeling pain right here, walking on the beach with his bare feet.


Positano is a beautiful little town though.  Isn't this flowery walkway charming?


Along the way, we noticed something pretty cool.  They carved little facades with doors and windows into the rock.


In Positano, there were a bunch of locals playing with a rather large dog.  This picture doesn't do the dog justice.  It looked like it could take down a bear.  However, it was content to be the monkey in the middle instead.  With the way it was plowing through the children to get to the ball, every so often leaping rather high, it would have made a potent NFL runningback.


Here's me at a little restaurant along the way.  It wasn't so straightforward to find a restaurant in Positano with a water view, surprisingly.  I think the hotels claimed most of them.


While waiting to leave, we witnessed this fun little practice session for a fashion show.  Just so you know, Positano is known for its trendy fashion.  The shirts were expensive here, but those same exact shirts are more expensive in the states.  For instance, I remember seeing a Tommy Bahama shirt that looked like a pajama top in Nordstroms for 175 US dollars.  A shirt that looked exactly the same in Positano went for about 60 euros, which is roughly 80 USD.  An amusing anecdote was when a tourist walked down the steps unsuspectingly, and everyone started cheering for him.  As the guy realized what was going on, he started swaying his hips and gracefully spun and took a bow.  The cheers turned to applause.


