
It was sad to part ways with Aliona who tried her best to hold her smile despite the icy temperatures of Berlin.  Perhaps it was the realization that she wouldn't be following me to the even colder ICEland.  That theory about Iceland being green and Greenland being ice is half right.  Iceland is a buoy of ice in the Atlantic, tortured by icy winds but occasionally visited by cute and furry polar bears, where they get shot.  Both of them.  Very cold place.  That said, the country is beautiful, the culture is colorful, and the people are friendly.  There's a unique character to the people there.  They have an aura of inner peace, despite their troubles.  I found Icelanders particularly appreciative of nature.  It's easy to see how the mountains and landscapes can help define a people.

The real impetus behind me thinking about Iceland was the Northern Lights.  I heard that they were most active around late March, and although there's certainly nothing guaranteed, I figured it was something to shoot for.  Even if I didn't see them, I'd make sure there were enough other things to make for a great adventure.





The Golden Circle
